Xalapa and museum

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Our hotel in Xalapa is so charming, with a double courtyard, stairways trimmed with Puebla tiles, palm trees, little balconies, little tucked away corner rooms; a real Mexican treasure I think!  

At this point in time it is very cold here.  Ken wore his toque to bed.  The cost of the room, included a continental breakfast.  Parking was not included, but we moved from a lot to in front of the hotel “street parking.”  We sat up on the roof for awhile and took in the view of the mountains and soaked up sun while there was some.

We walked around the city, taking pictures, capturing life and sights around us.  We went to a disappointing restaurant, highly rated and described in guide books as being in the hacienda style.  For some reason we succumbed to lunch at the place.  Ugh!  I’ll say no more of that!

We saw a wall of plants on the mercado outside wall.  As Ken commented and I took pictures, a fellow started talking to us in Spanish, like serious conversation.  That felt weird, because we did not understand or really converse back.  Got to learn Spanish!

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