Leaving Tenerife wk6

Monday, September 28th, 2015
We had one last breakfast on our wonderful little deck with a view of the hill, countryside and the volcanic mountain, Teide.

We finished packing up any loose ends, Ken took the keys back to the manager and we were off on a new adventure. Our first adventure was up the hill La Orotava to mail postcards, etc. back to Canada. Barely finding a place to park we discovered the Museo de Artesania Iberoamerica  de Tenerife. This museum was housed in a former convent. It was in a building with that surrounded a very lush courtyard. We found that in upper La Orotava there were many really old buildings several of which we were able to go into and snoop around. They all had courtyards. The buildings also had railings, columns and balconies made out of ornately carved wood.

We drove onto La Laguna. Unfortunately by this time it started to rain, this being the only time it rained while we were on Tenerife during the day. We managed to eat lunch at the cafeteria that was under a Portales so we didn't get wet. Then it was off to the airport to get rid of the Fiat Panda that we had rented.  

Our flight was mostly uneventful except for the fact that it was three or four hours long. Much too long to be sitting in one spot, in one seat that doesn't really have enough leg room. Chewing gum to help equalize the air pressure in your ears certainly does help. Taking plain bread and cheese to make sandwiches out of is perhaps not the tastiest of meals. This type of sandwich is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, please. I got one little glimpse out of the airplane window of the Mediterranean Sea, other than that I'll have to wait till tomorrow to see the real thing.

The Barcelona airport is huge. It's like a giant mall of high-end stores. It's likely the biggest airport that we've been in so far.

The Rent-A-Car shuttle came and took us to their office. We rented another Fiat, and Ken drove us into Barcelona, Spain. We located a parking garage that was rather pricey for our little rented Fiat to stay in for the night. We found our dorm room for the La Salle University, dropped off our suitcases and took a little walk around the neighbourhood. Then back to again to our room. Again I remembered how uncomfortable and disconcerting it is to change to a new place to lay your head down for the night. When I took off my shoe I realize that my foot is gain swollen up. Hope that was only from the flight and doesn't continue. We are looking forward to our adventure tomorrow with the rented car.

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