Saturday, March 15, 2014
We woke up in a very shaded campground, so it was coolish.

Then it was quickly off for breakfast. We found a little bagel shop for green tea and a pesto, cheddar cheese bagel. Off to three garage sales we went, not very good ones I might add. Since we were more or less in the area we went back to the Chinese vegan restaurant we ate at for supper last night. While there we or should I say Ken, should check on the hotel situation for our San Francisco stay. To our shock and amazement hotels downtown are about one-hundred and fifty dollars a night and upwards. Ugh! We decided to use some of our airmails points. That assisted us considerably.
We were a long time at that restaurant considering our options. We needed dessert and went to Peet's Tea and Coffee. We also went to a French Faire. It was crowded so we just went to the zoo. It was a very snake big sable and kettle creatures zoo. A fat goose and two bobcats stuck in my mind.
Managing to not get strangled in too much traffic we arrived in downtown San Francisco. Once out walking in what was left of the sunshine we went in some sketched out areas. But were not there long. I was totally freaked and do not remember San Fran. being so populated by the less fortunate in the past. There had been a St. Patty's Day parade on Market. We saw both sexes dressed as brides in white dresses and there were a lot of these brides. We went to a virtually all gay bar then on the Shalimar's for supper. Ken discovered Hendrick's Gin. The bartender made the martini sooo large it over flowed the huge martini glass and he gave Ken a straw to lower the level so he could move the glass.
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The $300 a night Hotel room |
Sunday, March 16, 2014 Kelly's 26th Birthday!
Today we look forward to a big day in the San Francisco area.

Once out and about we found marque tents set up, the International symbol for farmers market and yes, one was happening in U.N.Plaza We took the rapid transit, B.A.R.T., via the underground portal and stairs (stinky and sketchy) out to Berkley. Once there we climbed the B.A.R.T. stairs and right away saw Half Price Books. After I bought a few books we were off to University of California, Berkley. We had a good walk there many trees were blooming. We wanted to find what Ken and I refer to as "The Chunky Tree Forest". Regular tree branches get smaller the further from the tree trunk they grow, right. Well these "chunky" trees are different. The end branches are bigger and chunkier. The trees are right by the Carillon Tower. We paid to go up in the tower and saw a wonderful view of the Bay area.
After taking the B.A.R.T. back into San Francisco we walked to the hotel, dropped off the books and were on our way. By this time it had warmed up. We walked over the hill to China Town for lunch to our usual veggie restaurant. On the way back we walked by another old favorite Cafe - La Presse. This is where Ken discovered his love for the toasted scone. We found out that about eight years ago it has since changed to a more yuppie type restaurant - too bad. By the time we were walking back to the hotel it was cold. We walked fast.
At the hotel we did laundry, relaxed and feel asleep.
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Chunky Tree Forest |
Monday, March 17, 2014
After packing up Ken and I headed to China Town for lunch. Before we went all that way we found a newly opened Japanese restaurant. We had a very staffing bowl of soup for lunch.
Ken had made an appointment to meet with a fellow called Brachman at Newspace. I went up to the office to meet him. Ken and Bachman walked me to a store called Ross and continued on with their day. I took a very quick look and left. I checked out the art supply soot Dick Blick as SF has a very huge store to look at. Then I was off to find more shopping experiences.
Ken and I met back at the hotel. We had to check out earlier but they allowed us to continue parking there. Now we were off and driving through the city over the Golden Gate Bridge. We stopped in San Rafael so I could go to Dharma Trading, a textile, craft supplies and dyeables store.
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
We woke-up to a rather cool or should I say cold van (depending on your perspective). Ken was packed up by the time I was ready to go. South of Week airport (where we stayed) we easily found McDonalds. The people eating there had a real accent. We felt like we were in farming country not northern California.
Then we drove and drove. Finally we were in Eugene, OR. Here we ate at a vegan restaurant. After getting my small portion of a meal I wondered why their were so many customers cause the food was not that special.
We shopped for wine in Oregon. Why didn't we get wine in California? Yes, good question but no real answer. Ken found a Goodwill Superstore with a separate computer store attached.
Then we drove and drove. It was almost hot in the car by this time. This sun felt so good.
Once in Portland we came up against the wall of slow moving traffic. We found the quickest route to Morelia Restaurant. Great to eat authentic Mexican food again. We went thrifting on the N.E. Fourth Plain in Vancouver, WA. We needed to walk and it was cold out by this time.
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
We ate breakfast in Chehalis, WA. We picked a family run bakery and had a pastry that was an Icelandic type of danish. Then off we drove to south of Olympia, WA. We went to a few thrift stores and Ken to RPC (computer recycler).
We could not believe how cold it is in this area. Yes, it is supposed to be spring but it does not feel like it. It is is damp, rainy and cold. How did the rest of the world continue in this climate while we were away in the sun and heat?
For lunch we had Vietnamese soup or "pho". Lots of seafood, noodles, veggies and broth.
Supper found us at Blue Moon Burgers in Seattle. Wednesday is half price burger day, glad we remembered that little piece of information. Wow, was it cold last evading we are so not acclimatized to the new reality of cold and damp weather.
Thursday, March 20, 2014
We were up and about at about the same time as usual even though it was nice and warm in our hotel room. We had shopping plans for today. We went to the Value Villages in Kirland and Redmond. We went for lunch at Wholefoods in Redmond. The grilled vege pizza was great, sort of smoky tasting.
Then we drove to or on the Bellevue, Redmond Highway. Ken dropped me off at the thrift store Heart to Home. Then I walk to the Goodwill about a block away. I was hungry so went to an Oriental Grocery to buy some snacks. I realized I only had my credit card and a little change. They would not allow the credit card usage unless it was over $5.00. I only bought a banana. Is this how it feels to have no money or credit? It was pretty annoying.
When Ken dropped me off he went south to RePC. He looked at computers and he found a NAS Box, a big, rack mounted power supply for the radio station on Gabriola to use. Then we drove to the University District and to the Little Thai Restaurant for supper.
Friday, March 21, 2014
We had an early start to our day. All we really planned to do is shop and eat - what a life!
Ken drove by Yelp's #1 listed thrift store in the Seattle so we would know where it is for later inspection. He drops me off at Capital Hill Value Village. I found one great top for myself and about three cookbooks. I also found out a quarter of a clothing rack of items for Ken. We went to RePC again and eRs (better shop) to look at computers. He seemed to take forever to return. He was patient and tried everything on. He got quite the addition to his ward. We moved on and ate lunch at Annapurna, a Persian Cafe. Great food, it never disappoints!
Yelps #1 rated thrift store did disappoint and was a dud as far as we were concerned. We did a bit, more shopping. Ken picked up a used blade server for parts. It is the same as the one Owen gave him.
We went for a beverage at a fish and chips place. It was a very old building. We just do not have dark, old, funky bars like that in Canada.
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Today we knew we were going to leave the Seattle area. We had a solid deadline for being in Vancouver, Canada - suppertime. Often on our way out of Seattle we are able to visit many good thrift sties. This is a treat because at home there is really only one Value Village, that's it. Today's adventure home to Canada will be limited to one Value Village. For lunch we had a real treat, too, going to a favorite, family run, authentic, Mexican restaurant for lunch.
Off we drove to the border and to Canada. We were not required to pay duty which was great. At the border they wanted to be sure we did not bring back wood or illegal animal products from Mexico, which we did not. There was a forty-five minute wait even at the truck crossing.
We arrived at our friend Owen's home in time for supper, slightly late. We supplied the food - Chinese/East Indian. It was yummy, especially shared with friends. His little daughter again was the life of the evening.
Sunday, March 23, 2014
I was finding it to be very cold and damp both in and out of the house. I dressed in many layers to try and stay warm (ended up with a cold later on in the week). Owen made us a Fiesta Omelet for breakfast. After the delish breakfast we went for a walk well known to Owen and Becka - Mud Bay Beach. Becka was learning to ride her two wheel bike without training wheels. Owen had to bend down to hold onto the bike seat, giving her added stability. Ken advised her with lots of tips on how to ride successfully. I ended up falling asleep in the sun on a bench while we all rested from the walk.
We went to a Pho restaurant for lunch that Owen frequents. It was so good compared to other Pho I have had.
At supper time I showed Owen how to make a stir fry using the tofu he had on hand. Owen downloaded twenty-five episodes of the HGTV show House Hunters for me.
We hung out at his house in the evening and enjoyed our visit. We had to say our good byes at bedtime as Owen leaves early in the morning for work.
Monday, March 24, 2014
Becka's wonderfully, friendly Grandmother was taking care of her for the day. She continued to make us feel welcome until we left Owen's which was before breakfast. We had one last breakfast out and continued on with our day.
I purchased a daily bus pass so I could easily move around the city with out the van or Ken. He dropped me off at Jefferson's, a wholesale notions outlet. From there I either walked or bussed it around and did a bit of shopping. Ken went and did work on his project at Wavefront, downtown Vancouver. This is where I eventually met him.
We took the 5:00 pm, Horseshoe Bay Ferry back to Nanaimo. It was hard to realize we were about to end our exquisite holiday and jump back into reality.
Mikey had been staying at our home this past weekend. He was still at our home when we arrived. He had totally cleaned up, even the oven and microwave. He helped bring in all our gear from the van. Tomorrow it is supposed to rain.
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