Wednesday, February 13, 2013
We left home today for a trip to Vera Cruz, Mexico. We both require warmth and sunshine. I broke my arm and we decided to take the opportunity to go to Mexico - again!
Ken drew a start of the planned route for me.
When entering the parking lot for the Duke Point ferry terminal we spotted an airedale terrorist. He was a year old boy called Toby - adorable. The man said Toby loved to go hunting for deer and was really good at it.
Ken had to replace a headlight, plus there was a tire vibration at 60 or 70 MPH on the highway. A Big O Tire balanced the front tires for free in Bellingham. Tip - do not eat popcorn in a tire store. Unless, of course, you like the taste of rubber tires as a condiment on your popcorn.
The front desk guy at the tire shop was from Tonala (near Guadalahara, where we shop on the way back) and was talking with Ken about what school he went to there and the fun times he had going drinking in Tequila.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Happy Valentine's Day! We thought we would treat ourselves to a breakfast out since we slept in a rather cold van all night. The breakfast was huge with delicious pancakes. As we later found out our food experiences on this trip would stand out.
We got to Grant's Pass, OR around lunch time. It was sunny and warm. Our winter coats were shed. Walking in the sun was the order of the day. I struck off by myself while Ken had a telephone - radio meeting with Frank . The sun was glorious - yes, I am obsessing because where I am from it is cloudy from ... actually, when is it not cloudy? I celebrated the day by having two Dutch Bros. freezes - yum! For those of you who do not know what a Dutch Bros. is, it is a regional chain of coffee shops similar to Starbucks but mostly in Oregon. I love their freezes which are so good, even in the winter. What a double delicious treat. The birds are chirping in the sunshine, if I was a bird I'd be chirping, too.
Ken got me a dozen roses about a week ago, knowing we would be on the road on Valentine's Day. That way I got to enjoy them at home.
Friday, February 15, 2013
We woke up to sunshine - marvelous. We took a short walk to see some cows just by the site where we spent the night. It was cool but warm, at least warmer then it was where we live. I napped after breakfast while Ken drove. We stopped to walk and change into cooler clothes at Avenal Rest Area. It was newly built, like two long quonsets with an attached metal roof in between.
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Fresh oranges would follow us all the way down to Veracruz |
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Apple's Maps is new for us this trip. Despite all the problems we had in Mexico it worked great in the States on the major freeways. |

Saturday, February 16, 2013
Ken woke up at 4:00 am today! Oops! Guess he was anxious to get going and interested in driving as far as he could. I got up and was sitting in the passenger seat but I was fast asleep shortly after Ken began driving. I slept lots in the morning and napped often. I am still trying to catch up on sleep to heal my broken arm.
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Sunrise in the desert. |
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Grackles will follow us all the way down |
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Didn't stay here, just a nice palm tree set up |
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Always love these guys! |
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Note touque on the Ken unit. |
When we stopped that evening it was in Deming, NM. We finally stayed in a hotel. Our supper was at a lovely little Mexican restaurant called Si Señor. Wonderful chili relenos with a tomato, onion sauce on top.
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The view driving past Tucson. |
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