Saturday July 14

We hauled our sorry butts out of bed early to go garage sailing in San Diego. Last time we were here, great garage sales. We used Craig's list to find the sales, we were discriminating into which areas we actually went. We didn't leave our campsite until 9:45 which for anywhere is late for garage sales. We mostly hung out in the University Heights area. Generally the sales were a bust because we took so long getting out and about even thought we were up early. We walked around University Heights area and ate East Indian Food. We arrived at the Balboa Park area and I went to the Spanish Village Art area for the third time. There is so much art to view. I talked to an animal painter who wanted to get out of the rat race of San Diego. We went back to the zoo for our final animal experience at the San Diego Zoo - more view, more pictures. Saw great polar bear, zebra, etc. posses. I was very sad that it was our last day at the zoo.
Friday July 13

I decided I wanted to become a member of the Visions Art Quilt Gallery. They had a member's call for entry juried show closing date tomorrow. Ken is such a darling! We, as you know, brought our laptop on holidays. He got pictures for two quilts, their artist statements, etc. ready to go so I could get it all burned on disc to be taken in and enter the show. I got to go back to the Visions Quilt Gallery and show Ken what a wonderful building they were in. I thought maybe he would want to see the quilts (I wanted to but he wanted to go off toward our next adventure - the Wild Animal Park in Escondido.
We were off to Escondido on a one and a half hour road trip because of backed up traffic. The one and only time we were involved in a traffic jam in the San Diego area. It was very hot! When we got there I know I was not interested in even being there I was so hot, tired, grumpy and miserable. We started walking and discovered the safari ride.

It is like an open air train which takes you around the main part of the park where the animals are free to roam. It is like getting to see African animals as they might be in the wild. It is well narrated and very interesting to see. The animals perked up my mood. The elephants seemed happier here. In fact, they swap out animals from the zoo to here to get more exercise. We saw African dancers- Masaii.

It took a lot less time to return to our hotel in El Cajon then it had on our trip out to the Wild Animal Park. I was so tired when we returned that I was practically in tears getting ready for bed.
Thursday July 12
We heard snoring all night long. We had to close our skylight it was so loud. By morning we were a bit testy and Ken went out looking for our tablecloth. He did not have to look far as our snoring neighbor had in on his picnic table. Ken went and retrieved it for our breakfast table setting. Heavy set with a beard we dubbed the guy Latino "Ricky" from the TV show the Trailer Park Boys. I wonder if we will run across Latino "Bubbles" or Latino "Lucy"?

Next we thought we would head out to La Jolle. Lunch time again came quickly and we spent it at Vons. When we come down to the States we always have trouble identifying the grocery chains - no Safeway, no Thrifty's, no Save-ons.... it is hard to find a food store. Well, here Von's is one of the big ones. We ate light because we have been eating so much lately. Passing by an interesting fabric store is not something I usually do. Well, we came across a great one just a block from Von's. We were told about La Jolle Fibre Arts just across the street. I went there and was amazed by the wall hangings and unique surface designs of the art to wear. La Jolle is a unique and well off area close to the ocean. Tall palm trees line the streets.
After exploring La Jolle and all it had to offer we moved on to Pacific Beach. It had the unique offering of thrift stores which we frequented in 2001. They had changed and were not special anymore. Pacific Beach seems more of a surfer type place on the ocean. Our day ended as we walked the promenade above the actual beach. It was crowed with little shops and condos.
Wednesday July 11
Shannon McDavid's birthday. Happy Birthday Precious!!!!

We went to Old Town for supper. Old Town is another trendy district with lots of restaurants.
When we returned to Sweetwater our picnic table cloth which marked our site had disappeared. Now this table cloth is a vinyl number that we bought to go camping with on our first trip together back in '83. It is blue with brightly coloured vegetables printed across it, very tacky. I always said that if someone wants that ugly thing they can have it. Somehow I felt very upset that someone came into our camp and took the tablecloth.
Tuesday July 10

That experience deserved lunch in Little Italy - pizza at Mona Lisa Italian Foods.
Even though we got out early from our campground we did not get to the San Diego Zoo until 4:30. I enjoyed myself so much, the animals are great for the soul. I went crazy and took lots of pictures especially of the giraffes. We went and ate at Balboa Park again.

We walked lots today - 15 023 steps on the step meter.
Monday July 9

At night we had a snack in Balboa Park then went on to eat in the Gaslight district. We ate at Royal Thai in the Gaslight District. This restaurant is one of the places we ate for our fifteen wedding anniversary. We had an early night and returned to Sweetwater Park.
Sunday July 8

We drove through Oceanside and quickly came to Carlsbad, CA. It seems to be a little artist community. Then we drove on to San Diego for a week of touring. Great to be back, I love San Diego! We spent much of the day trying to find reasonably priced (inexpensive) accommodation for the week. We looked at a few rooms at 500 Broadway. It was reasonable but a single room, down the hall bathrooms, no air conditioning, shared kitchen, etc. Just not a gut reaction, but we decided to pass and camp instead. We found Sweetwater Regional Park. It is a park that allows horses if you have them. There were corrals for horses at most of the campsites.
In the evening we drove downtown to the Gaslamp district and walked around. There were lots of restaurants and bars open even on a Sunday night. By evening it was quite cool. There were lots of open air restaurants with heaters on (need Planet Buster stickers). When we drove home we got lost. No wonder; we drove so much that day and we were tired.

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