Sunday, November 16, 2014
Hot Sunny
Mileage 529 620 km
Last night we stayed at June's
Awesomeness: When you wake up you can see the blue sky out the south facing bedroom window.
Being Sunday we thought that we should go out for breakfast and we picked the Sazon Restaurant over looking the square. El desayuno (breakfast) was delish as it was last time. Some young men were our servers and they seemed to do a good job. As we sat outside in the sunshine overlooking trees, blooming flowers, blue sky, happy people sitting in the square, warm breezes and the musician playing Zemfire type music we had to think we were truly in paradise. There could not be any place much more perfect. As we were about to leave a friend showed up and requested us to join her. Too bad, we were just on our way.

We were walking part way into Chapala. We wanted to walk so we could get exercise and see the Airedale. He was no where in sight, likely being spoiled by the children that obviously lived in the LaFloresta home. Once on the carreterra we grabbed a bus ride into Chapala. Quite a bumpy bus ride, and the bus driver even passed a car he was in such a hurry.
We went off to find the Feria Maestros del Arte which was in the Chapala Yacht Club. We just assumed we would be able to easily find it. Not to be the case. We even had to go into a ritzy hotel to ask where the Feria was.
The Feria Maestros del Arte was passed the end of the Malecon. There was a 50 peso admission fee. The artists were under marque tents behind the Yacht Club. Wow, what a gathering of amazing Mexican artists from many other states other than just Jalisco - Oaxaca, Michoecan, Chiapas, etc. Amazing, amazing and they allowed us to take pictures. We have a small sampling of some of our favourites complete with a description of the artist then their work. Enjoy, we sure did!
We roamed the Yacht Club grounds and took more pictures including a squirrel eating leaves and some bird shots. It was a magical afternoon! I was sorry to have to take the bus back and return back to Ajijic.
We circled Ajijic's square after dark and ate street food for supper. A favourite of mine is venduras el vapour (steamed vegetables with cheese, lime and chili on top). Ken had hotdogs from two different vendors.
Monday, November 17, 2014
Hot Sunny
Last night we stayed at June's
Awesomeness: We have the house all to ourselves along with Jan who seems very nice.
Ken wanted a different, closer place for coffee. He found it about half a block away at the Farmer's Market on the corner. It is run by an ex-pat, I think from Canada. Her and others do baking of dishes both savoury and sweet to sell to others. If the items in one refrigerated case do not sell immediately she freezes them. She also carries specialty food items that are hard to come by in Mexico. Her little shop is very arty looking with watercolour painting all over the walls. She has a hanging porch swing inside the store. Her two little dogs are greeters and do not bark at strangers to the store. I just love them both. I am such a sucker for a fuzzy face. The little Yorkie Terrier is too big to be classified as a teacup Yorkie, he is so small, adorable. The other little guy is an attention hog and is part pug. I must go back and visit The Farmer's Market frequently.
This day is a holiday for the Mexican people. However, compared to yesterday it seems quiet in town. We take a walk to the Nueva Posada Hotel. It is quite old and we just wonder through parts of the downstairs, the restaurant, little store and the outside garden. It must have been a real stunner in its day - even now it is quiet beautiful. This hotel is located right on the lake.
We also walk from the hotel along the water to the main road - Colon, back up Colon and back to the place we are staying at. We see lots of big birds around the water. We also see lots of people out walking their dogs and this sunny day.
At supper we try a new French restaurant. They served us a big salad and a big crepe for about 55 pesos for each meal. I sure hope they make it because the food and service was good.
June, the lady who owns the house we are staying at flew out for Oregon today. I am sure she had mixed feelings about going back to the cold, damp and wet of the Pacific Northwest. Her husband is still back there so I sure she will be happy to see him.
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Warm OverCast
Last night we stayed at June Coe's B&B
Awesomeness: When I was not feeling well and had to mostly stay home, it was as nice place to stay at.
When going for lunch today the road crew was out working. They have been since we have come here. Today in the rubble that will soon be cobblestone one of the workers (I am presuming) made inuksuit out of the rock. They looked very arty and certainly took talent to erect. Later in the day someone had knocked them down, likely to use the rock. The side of the school has had all the plaster scraped off, down to the adobe and brick. They have already started replacing it by putting up chicken wired on the side of the building.
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Sazon is becoming our new regular place. It's the food and the view. |
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Warm OverCast
Last night we stayed at June's
Awesomeness: This house is very close to two fine restaurant in Ajijic. - Ola, Olo Restaurant and Number 4 Restaurant. Some days #4 has music exuding out of the open doors, usually jazz - pleasant, not annoying.
Yes, I am still fighting this miserable cold. Can't believe I got sick, but I guess the change in weather, with cooling trends. Sometimes the weather is very decieving. It looks sunny and hot out but it is warm or cool. You find yourself outside and it is cooler than it appears. Or I caught this cold from someone - ugh!
We decided to walk up to Walmart to buy a few groceries. My back is very sore from laying around and hopefully the walk will do it good. We actually only make it as far as Supermercado El Torito and to Salvador's for lunch.
On the way to buying groceries I find a great looking place to take a look at next week. Raul wants us to send him some listing that we are interested in so this on on Guadalupe Victoria #40 is a good contender at $289,000. US. I completed the rest of the list, five houses in total to take a look at next week. We are thinking that being in the village would be great, so most are from this area.
Mostly I laid around in bed trying to recover.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Warm OverCast
Last night we stayed at June Coe's B&B
Awesomeness: The three fountains in the house are a real nice touch. One in at the far end of the upper terrazo, one is outside the sliding glass doors of the bedroom downstairs and one is at the far end of the entrance patio from the main door. They would be especially comforting when it is dry season here.
Most of the day was spent, again, lazing around trying to improve my health. I am getting better now so we will be able to join Niki and the pooches in Leon, GTO. I also want to be rested enough to to to the Breakfast Club for supper tonight. It is at Adelita Bar and Grill in San Antonio, the next town east of Ajijic.
We decide to take a new to us walking route to Adelita's for supper. We walked down Donato Guerra (street name), just out our door continuing south to the lake. We walk eastward along the water, taking in the sun that has decided to show itself. The weeds are quite high in spots, blocking the view of Lake Chapala. We even seen a fellow with a machete cutting down plants along the path. We followed the path until it run out then had to back track. We did not save much time going on the trail by the lake. We walked the rest of the way through LaFloresta and then through San Antonio just passed the main square. We saw what I call a polka dot horse. I know it was maybe a palamino.
We got to Adelita's and after we sat down we saw Niki talking to someone. Heavy into conversation we did not want to disturb her. In the end we starting conversing with others and somehow missed her altogether. We never did get to talk about our trip to Leon together.
We met some lovely ladies. Once from Hawaii - Michelle and one from San Diego - Trudy. Again we met wonderful people at Breakfast Club. I was telling one lady that we lived in a B&B near #4 Restaurant. She knew June the lady that owns the B&B. Odd that this is really such a small world down here. Leaving early was important because we had to finish packing tomorrow morning and take the bus over to Niki's. We walked home in the dark feeling perfectly safe.
Friday, November 21, 2014
Warm OverCast
Last night we stayed at June Coe's B&B - Ajijic, MX
Awesomeness: Once block is all we had to go with our suitcases to catch a bus.
We were awakened by the sound of firecrackers, fireworks or rockets going off somewhere in downtown Ajijic. Then the church bells started ringing. It was the beginning of the fiesta of San Andres or Saint Andrew, the patron saint of Ajijic.
We were sort of packed but in the packing world, "sort of" does not cut it when you are going away. It was a bit unusual because we were having to empty our overnight bags and repack for a short two or three day holiday to Leon, GTO, MX. We were going to accompany Niki up there. She is taking her dogs to a dog show and actually showing Meesha the Belgian Melinque in confirmation trials.
We only had to take our suitcases up one block in order to catch the bus to a place on the Carratera close to Niki's house. The bus was packed and it was silly how I had so much trouble getting from the front of the bus back to a seat with a rolling suitcase. Try it sometime! It is especially precious when the bus door remains wide open.
Once we finally were off and driving to Leon it became more fun. Zorro the puppy Melinque was curled up on the consul between Niki and I. He is so precious and puppy like. Meesha was in the backseat with Ken and was stressed for some reason. Zorro provided lots of entertainment throughout the trip. We stopped only once on this three hour journey. Once in Leon Ken provided great navigation tips via Google Maps. We dropped off at the Monte Leon Hotel then Niki drove us up to the location of tomorrow's dog show. It seemed a bit primitive but likely is not fully set up.
A walk about in the cool evening in Centro Historio was great after a day of sitting. I remember I had problems finding much to eat in the carne centric city. By the way it is a million plus city that specializes in leather goods. Shoe and boots stores everywhere.
Meanwhile back at the hotel we all settle in and go to sleep looking forward to tomorrow in the big city.
Incidentally, we have been in Mexico one month today.
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Nice art at Monte Leon, in Leon GTO. |
Friday, November 22, 2024
Warm Sunny
Last night we stayed at Monte Leon Hotel in Leon, GTO, M
Awesomeness: They provided a free continental breakfast, but we still needed to split an omelet. The hotel was located very close the main plaza, downtown.
We were not sure what we were doing at the beginning of the day. We very pleasantly took turns showering and getting ready to go. I doggie sat while Niki ate breakfast. Then Ken and I ate breakfast but also trying to get a handle on the weather and what to wear out. Ken decided to ask Niki if she needed us at the show but she said she did not need us. We made plans to go for a long walk and also go buy slippers for Ken and for someone else's sons. Niki and the dogs quickly took off for the dog show following another lady we knew from Ajijic.
We walked around the Centro Historica trying to get a handle on the weather and what to wear. If you have traveled to someplace that is very hot or very cold you know what to wear. If you are at a destination that is more moderate in temperature it is sometimes hard to decide if it will be on the hot side or cool side that particular day, especially since we had traveled north from Ajijic.
We than walked toward where the show was being held. We walked back streets rather than on the more main street. That way we could see more of what Leon was like. We could walk through parks. We came to one park with ducks and fish in a man-made river. Beautiful black and white ducks really captured my attention.
By this time we had walked many kilometers. We were both ready for a rest and for lunch. Keep in mind that this is a leather town so almost any restaurant or lunch counter we encountered had carne as the main player on the menu. Being a vegetarian I am not happy about this, worst of all, I could not find anything to eat - all way too meaty. We even entertained the idea of a VIPS but saw that it was expensive (we do not like this restaurant chain). We decided to slug it out and keep on walking. We decided a fancy hotel was worth a try. We ended up there, out on the covered patio, by a pool. Our meal was gourmet with wonderful service. The bill was lots less then we would have paid at VIPS.
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Love oil and vinegar with fries |
We walked to the Zona Piel or the leather district. We did not see the men with boxes of shoes stacked high on their bikes. We did see somewhat better quality footwear. The area was so busy and so crowded I felt dizzy. Ken did not find suitable, quality slippers and we bought nothing.
On out way back we saw the Azteca Hotel that we stayed at seven years ago. Ken vaguely remembers it. We also saw the restaurant we frequented at that time.
Once back at the hotel Niki it was clear Niki had a bad day, was not feeling well and was ready to go home as soon as possible. There was not consoling her. We all went to sleep hoping tomorrow would be better.
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Stay Calm and shop. |
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Warm Sunny
Mileage 530 516 km
Last night we stayed at Monte Leon Hotel
Awesomeness: The hotel had art on the wall made out of leather with painting over top.
We got ready to go to the dog show with Niki. Again we had a half an omelette each for breakfast with a plate of fruit. The fruit plate is a nice touch, compliments of the hotel. While Niki ate breakfast I doggie sat the pooches and Ken hauled luggage to the car. The dogs are very attached to her and did not like to be without her.
The ride out to the dog show was seamless this time as we were able to make the appropriate left turn. Once there we could see that the grounds were way busier and had many more people than Friday. Many of the handlers or owners of dogs had a marque tent set up for the dogs. They had the plastic dog crates just like in Canada. There were the same tents set up with either food for humans or for those selling pet food. There were also booths set up for selling dog supplies like leashes, dog clothing, etc. Once such place had a display case in the shape of a big, pink bone. The major judging ring was under a big marque tent. I did see that they had put a chandler in the middle at the top for effect. In Canada this type of show would likely have been in a sports arena to protect one and all from the elements, especially the cold and snow.
We saw many breeds of dog - Airedales and Doberman Pinschers being two of our favourite. We saw Bedlington Terriers, Pulis (has hair like dread locks), Wire Fox Terriers and we saw a puppy Pomeranian. The puppy group was cute to watch - big feet a bit awkward. We even saw that someone had brought their pet pig - pink and black to the show on a collar and leash.
Niki was showing her Belgin Melinque called Meesha. That is a wonderful dog. She is already a champion in the US. She placed second in group yesterday which is a big deal. I was the photographer at the show (for Meesha and Niki) and got a bit sunburned doing so. Little Zorro was doggie sat by Ken. He is quite alpha and I find it hard to control him. He is adorable and maybe I am just a soft touch.
We had a safe ride home with Niki driving. Both pooches slept most of the drive home.
After sitting for so long we decided to go out for a walk. First to the end of the Malecon and to the main square of Ajijic and see what was happening. At the end of the Malecon we discovered a young donkey tied near his home. He appreciated the pet I have him. I do love donkeys.
Then we hiked up to the square which was very busy. We found out this is the time they celebrate the patron saint of Ajijic - San Andrews or Saint Andrew. It is about a ten day celebration. The whole square was partitioned off into restaurants and bars. Calle Colon was full of rides for children that would be seen at fairs. Even some of the side streets were blocked off for exhibition type games, little stores selling jewellery, etc or more restaurants.
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Gonna be noisey tonight when these bad boys get lit up. |
Monday, November 24, 2014
Cool OverCast
Mileage 531 024 km
Last night we stayed at June'
Awesomeness: The giant walk in closet.
Again, great to be back in a smaller centre where you can walk and walk then actually get somewhere. Big cities take so long to walk anywhere and the blocks are long on main roads. People do not seem to be as friendly and you just do not know where the good places to eat are.
Lazing around in bed is nice after a few days of getting up early. Once we actually got going we walked to Walmart which takes about half an hour. We saw and, more importantly, smelled Christmas trees. When I smelled them they reminded me of home in Canada. I got a little teary-eyed. When we walked pasted them on our way out Ken suggested we go back and smell the spruce trees again. Ken asked to tree attendant where the trees came from. He said, "Canada". No wonder the trees made me home sick, we were all Canadians.
We have been vacillating over staying here in Ajijic or leaving and completing our tour of Mexico. We have been weighing our options carefully but now it suddenly seems clear that we should move on. We know that we feel like Ajijic could be home. When coming back from Leon, the big city, it was sure nice to be back here. However, we are healthy and still very active so we better keep traveling while we can. We will return to this special place as soon as we can but we have new places to see and new adventures to have. Our new adventure starts in a week when we say farewell to June's B&B.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Warm Sunny
Last night we stayed at June's
Awesomeness: Likely said this before, but I really like how when it is sunny the sun comes pouring in the master bedroom window and also the south facing windows.
Yeah, it is sunny out. Even in Mexico, if it is cloudy and not sunny it seems much colder. It has that same depressing effect like on Vancouver Island. I know, it is much colder there and it is likely raining, too. We have nothing to complain about here for weather.
We go to Ajijic Realty Office and meet our Real Estate Agent. He has a new colleague from Canada, Linda from Montreal. All of us sat down to discuss our likes and dislikes in a home. We must have talked for several hours.
At Ken's suggestion we break for lunch. We go back to a favourite lunch spot - Sazon over looking the plaza.
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Sazon ... again |
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The Ajijic Gallery |
In the afternoon Linda takes us to look at a home in downtown Ajijic, walking distance from the Real Estate Office.
The facade of the home is neat and clean but not outstanding. You would never know what was behind the wall, so to speak. The home was wonderful with an open floor plan in the main living area. Just off the front door was an office area. The kitchen was clean but needed an update and more light. The upstairs had two bedrooms. The master had a big walk in closet and the master bath had a tub. The home had lovely Mexican touches such as niches and cupolas, etc. There was a big covered terrazzo off the master and also off the livingroom. The backyard had several huge trees with long, leafy branches. The yard is not wide but the property is L shaped. Out back is one big casita with a self contained bedroom, kitchenette and bathroom. These two places were wonderful. The main casita area has its own self contained yard. The smaller, upstairs suite had two private decks with nice views. However, the place generally seemed to be over priced. It was lovely and the location amazing.
We looked at one more place to see what you could get for less money. I did not like it at all, except that it did have a casita. The yard was nice which does not surprise me, it is Mexico with all this sunshine. I had e-mailed Raul last week about the homes we wanted to look at. I had picked out five that interested us, mostly in the village of Ajijic. Of those three had sold since I had picked them out. What does one make of that occurance? For one thing, places in the village may not be one the market long, this might be a time of year for quick sales, maybe I have good taste or at least comparable taste to others.
We walked up the other side of the carreterra to see some raw land or property. We decided that those properties were too far from town center. We did see some goats out in a field. We saw an intriguing brick home, along with some other interesting homes. It is always good to go walking in areas that are new and have been unexplored.
We decided to walk the block toward the lake and go to the Nuevo Posada for a drink out in the garden. This Hotel is very old with wonderful architectural features on the inside. It has exposed stone and brick arches, for example. It got windy and we went inside. The outside view is of the lake and a mountain - mesmerizing.
At night we enjoyed walking around the square and eating at one of the newly sat up taco stands. It was very windy so we returned home. There were terrible noises up on the mirador. In the morning
when I looked - chairs, plants, a painting easel, oranges, etc. had been tossed about by the wind.
Drinks at Neuvo Posada were in order. We made happy hour, two for the price of one, no wonder Elizabeth Taylor stayed here, haha.
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Vino Blanco - most famous burro in Lakeside |
Tuesday, November 26, 2024
Cool Sunny
Last night we stayed at June's
Awesomeness: Again we could see the sun shining when looking out the south windows before even getting out of bed - wonderful.
We were off early to Paty's so she could improve out looks. Ken was to get his hair cut and I was to get my eyebrows waxed. When we arrived at Paty's the door was locked. I found out this seems to be the usual case there. I find this unusual but perhaps a good way to lock out petty crime. Paty did a great job of cutting Ken's very straight, hard to cut hair. She left it a little long.
Paty could speak some English. The girl who looked after me spoke little English. She did a good job on my brows. They had different hair product from what we in Canada are use to. Paty used lots of product on Ken, gel and spray. He washed it out before bed as he was not used to the helmet head effect.
Around supper we were walking up Colon from the lake. A band was playing loudly. People were walking with lit torches and sky rockets were going off. It was exciting. We got behind them and followed them part way up the road into the church. Where else beside Mexico would you be lucky enough to participate in such an event?
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Warm Sunny
Mileage 531 056 km
Last night we stayed at June's
Awesomeness: We have kitchen privileges and Jan has left us lots of food to finish up.
Our aim today is to get the car cleaned. I realize this not a lofty goal but, what the heck. We are on a sort of holiday.
The place we are staying at provides a single garage for the van. This is a real bonus because otherwise the van would be out parked on a very narrow, moderately busy street. Pepe, the van, had not been our for weeks. Once we were ready to go we popped the bed out and left it in the garage. That way the back of the van can get cleaned, too.
We drove to the north, west part of the Careterra to a car wash. We left the van and walked on to get lunch. We walked passed a fire under a small overpass. We walked to an area where we found a little theatre and some condos we had gone into a few years back. From here we turned around and started walking back. We went passed Yve's Restaurant where the donkey Vino Blanc lives. I had a chance to pet her and snap a few photos. Such an adorable donkey. We ate at a new restaurant Chilli''n which is located where Frida Azul's was. It had great service and food.
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Vino Blanco in the flesh... ehm fur |
Once we picked up the now clean car we drove to the town of Chapala. We drove and walked to some areas we had not explored before. We ruled out some areas that we would not want to live in. We walked to an interesting, old hotel on the water. It was sunny, warm and wonderful.
But the day was not over. Why not drive to the malecon on in Jocotopec, which is about 18 kilometres away? That is what we did. We were told it was the best malecon at Lakeside. It was big with bridges, statues, a play pool for children, a soccer field and BUGS! Many mosquites, in fact the whole town had many bugs. After we survived that on-slaught we had again worked up an appetite.
We were told of a oriental restaurant in Jocotopec on a main type street with obvious Chinese lanterns. We found it and went in. Wow, best Chinese food in Mexico, maybe. It had a varied menu with pictures, plus it had Japanese and Chinese food. I felt blessed because it had quite a few veggie options.
Our day was very different from the ordinary day. It was warmer than it had been, so all around a very special day.
Friday, November 28, 2014
Cold OverCast
Last night we stayed at June Coe's B&B
Awesomeness: The place is so close to the Caretera, too. There are plenty of good restaurants there and lots of people action, too.
The main big thing about today is that it feels cold. It feels really cool to cold outside and, unfortunately, inside. We are glad we are going to PV for the next month. It is in the low thirties during the day, so hot. It will take a bit of getting used to. I think I can manage.
The sky-rockets this morning were like a solid block of noise at about six AM. Somehow I managed to get back to sleep but Ken did not. After that little noise episode he is reluctant to stay downtown again.
We discovered another new restaurant, new to us anyway - Trattoria De Axixic (we had pizza), it is basically Italian fare. Our waiter was charming and attentive. We had a large pizza with tomatos, mushrooms and eggplant. The cheese was mozzarella but much tasted much different from what we are used to. It did not have tomato sauce but had cut up slices of tomato. The cheese was on the bottom and the ample amount of veggies was on the top. The atmosphere was Christmas with a decorated tree. At the far end from the entrance where huge bird cages with exotic birds chirp away. It was an enjoyable lunch with pizza to take home for supper.
Some of the day was spent packing up our belongings, getting ready for our departure. I know I will miss Lakeside but not the much cooler weather that has came upon us since earlier in the week.
We ordered up a pecan pie to take to a potluck on Sunday. It was ordered from a local baker about two blocks away.
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Warm Sunny
Last night we stayed at June's
Awesomeness: Today the sun was shining and it was much warmer. The gardener, who we like and do not have to pay for, came and watered all the plants inside and out on the rooftop garden.
It is sunny today and much warmer than the past few day. What a relief. I was afraid that it would just become colder and colder here. We really did not think it would get as cold as it did yesterday. I could have worn gloves and my down-filled jacket. I never resorted to that but we did see others with down-filleds on. I think the house would be much warmer if one could light the gas fireplace. Ken is not convinced of that. He thinks a home here needs some kind of in-floor heating, which is not a bad idea. We had to go to bed early last night and get cozy under the blankets to be comfortable.
We walked for coffee after breakfast. There was a wedding going on at the church across the street from Cafe Grano where we were. The church bells rang out happily once the young couple were married. The whole village seemed to be bustling with life this morning. There was a carnival atmosphere, with the sunshine and all the temporary vendors that have set up shop.
We came back to the place we are staying at. I cleaned and did laundry. The gardener had been here and cleaned up the plant debris from after the big wind earlier in the week. Ken is back at doing some planning and official business.
We just had to go back out in the sunshine. A walk to the end of the malecon seemed like a good idea. The donkey there loved the idea also because we bestowed on him lots of pets. Wonder whose donkey he is? Is he a pet or does he actually do work? He seems well cared for and is tied up so he can forage in the field. Does he have a name? Acually is it a male or female, never even noticed. I just noticed its emanating calmness and kindness. I really love donkeys, not sure why, but I do.
We spent some time up on the rooftop garden taking in the view of the hills, lake, other homes and abundant plant life. Wow, it is so beautiful, all of it. I started up one of the wall fountains to see if it worked. The fountain did work wonderfully and would be very cooling in the summer.
Just after sunset we walked into town to eat from street venders. Luckily a parade was walking passed us - drums, horns, Aztec dancers, then another band. They were going to the church. The music makes it an emotional experience. Do not forget about the sky-rockets taking off.
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Warm Sunny
Mileage 531 230 km
Last night we stayed at June's
Awesomeness: The sun shining in the south window. It is warmer downstairs if the doors are shut - who would have guessed. It is not a whole lot warmer, however, even though you would think it would be lots warmer.
This is the last day of the San Andre's fiesta. We were again, maybe for the last time, awakened by a borage of sky-rockets going off, church bells and a band playing at six in the morning. Oh well, we are almost getting use to it. Next fiesta or festival starts December 12 and we will be in Bucerius.
We are continuing to work at getting packed up and leaving here. We cleaned up the kitchen emptying the fridge of everything but condiments. The pantry too has been stripped of anything bugs could get into. I discovered some raw veggies in the fridge. We had to take a walk so go along the lake to the end of the malecon. Yes, the donkey is at the end of the malecon, the donkey who loves carrots but not calabaza or summer squash. I will miss our brief visits with this adorable character who had a distinct preference for carrots.
Since we are leaving for awhile we must return to one of our favourite restaurants - Ajijic Tango. It was quite busy even though it does not have lunch specials on Sunday. I can recommend the cheese ravioli and Alfredo sauce. I had them add a little extra garlic to the sauce, yum!
We drove to a party at Niki's. Steve was preparing his infamous salad when we arrived. Molly and Maureen from Qualicum were already there, too. Food was buffet style from the dining room table with the liquors and wines, etc. out on the bar area on the patio. Beatrice the naturopath was there with her nephew. Hal and Jerry were there. Hal offered advice and future advice on areas of fine homes at Lakeside. Karen D. was there from Nanaimo with her knowledge of dogs. Kelly and Randy arrived late. The dogs were allowed to mingle near the end of the night. Niki really liked the photos we sent of the dog show. She was a gracious hostess and we were happy for the invite to meet and reacquaint ourselves with such lovely Lakeside residents.
We met a couple who have lived in the area for awhile - Ken and Winnie. They were from Philadelphia. They let an interesting bit of Lakeside information slip.
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Steve does drive a cool ride. |