Friday, February 28, 2014
Last night we drove to Catalina State Park, north of Tucson.

We have stayed here before, about seven years ago. It was extremely hot and we saw a tarantula amongst other creatures. This time we were in the overflow area - new bathrooms. The other areas were full of RV campers. Last time we were here we drove a long way out in the countryside to get to this park. Now the area is built up with malls and houses.
We drove through an area with little shoulder area on the road. There was scrub and cactus close to the road. Very different from what we are used to.
Once we arrived in Phoenix to visit Larry, Ken's brother, we realized the scope and breadth of this huge city. Larry is wintering in Deer Valley in the north central part of Phoenix. Larry's place was easy to find with Apple Maps. Larry and his dog Xena were welcoming. We all went out for an oriental food lunch. We did a bit of looking around in some shops. This was more for exercising than for actual serious purchasing.
Larry kindly invited us to his "meet up" group. It was held at a Mexican restaurant. Free food and a live band with dancing were two of the draws that made us answer "yes" to his invitation. Ken and I actually danced - what fun!!! After we walked around a huge park. Xena enjoyed going down the slide in the playground.
Saturday, March 1, 2014
We woke up in Larry's parking spot for his apartment. Yes, we camped out in the back of the van. It had rained lots in the night and part of the parking lot was flooded. We collected our luggage from Larry's place, gave hugs good-byes and were off for San Diego and a days drive.
Phoenix is a big and it took a while to actually escape the city. We drove through areas of cactus, rocky hills, rocks piled on rocks and desert dunes, lots to see and take in.
I, however, was not feeling myself. The night before I thought I had allergies from dog hair. Should have known that was not the case as I have not been allergic before. Now I am certain I am coming down with a cold - ugh! I feel very restless. I can not even think clearly. Yesterday I felt dizzy while shopping. We are camping tonight, too. The weather in San Diego is cooler than we have been used to for awhile and it is raining. What part of that sound like fun?