Wednesday, January 29, 2014
I did yoga, first sun salutations in a long time, at least since before our trip began.

We discovered that each cup of the yummy ice coffee we have been drinking lately has about six teaspoons of sugar. No wonder they are so good! I now have to ween myself off those fantastic tasting, calorie busters.
I painted some more today. I made the crazy decision to use light purple instead of a grayish colour. If I actually painted a piece with no purple in it I would be surprised.
Just to break up the day and get exercise we drove the approximately two miles into Bucerius. We then walked to the restaurant Luna Luna - good food. The beach was part of the walk back to Pepe the van. It was a time of day when it was really too hot to enjoy.
On the way back to our casa we drove into the little village of San Cecilia looking for an auto junkyard. It appeared to contain a correctional facility. Back at "the ranch", so to speak, we realized a big event was happening here - the Bucerius Male Choir was singing. Lots of Gringos here for the event. We did not attend. We did go for a fun swim. I just love that pool.
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Today was a rather low key day starting with yoga. It is so great to be doing yoga on a regular basis. It helps to make you feel healthy. After yoga was a healthy breakfast and then painting. My art is going at a snails pace but I like what I am producing. Ken kept himself occupied on the computer - sometimes working on the blog or radio station. Other times, as he says, he is just goofing off.
We are finding that we can feed ourselves at least two meals a day. Granola, fruit and yogart for breakfast; today tostadas and beans with cucumbers for lunch. One meal out is fine, two gets a bit ho-hum and you do not appreciate it as much.
We went to the pool at separate times, just swimming back and forth is fine with me. The pool has lots of green plans and trees around it - glorious!
One of the housekeepers arrived as I was mid-painting. She appeared very efficient.
Bucerius has an "Art Walk" Thursday evenings from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. That was our "thing" to do for the day. We ate tacos and a baked potato for supper then toddled off to the Art Walk. After coming from Gabriola Island, Isle of the Arts, we did not know the calibre of art we would encounter. Some was quite wonderful. Well, worth the effort.
Friday, January 31, 2014
"Off like a herd of turtles"
(as my Brother-in-law Larry often facetiously says), by ten am, off to adventures in Puerto Vallarta. Ken had parked so we had morning shade. That way you are not instant hot or baked which is an uncomfortable start for the morning. We use Google Maps to assist in finding a second-hand car parts place, called Hermanos. We ended up back on the road in which we drove on from Mascoti when we first arrived here a little over a week ago. We are trying to find used Previa seats for the back of the van. No luck on this try.
We stopped at Sorianna just passed big Walmart of the way into PV. Very well stocked store. Just before the start of the Malecon was underground, pay parking. It seemed like a good thing to do - park there - rather than fight traffic in an unfamiliar area.
We went to a Starbucks near the parkade. We walked the malecon, stopping in a few shops (Ken was looking for a specific Tequila for my Brother-in-law, Mike). We checked out the fare at the vegetarian restaurant by the big church - looked delish. Off we went to the Basilio Badillo area - nice shops a glass and tile store, etc. Back to the veggie restaurant for a wonderful, relaxing meal. For ninty-five pesos you get your choice of many pre-made salads, a choice of several entrees, choice of two agua de fruta, coffee or tea and a dessert.
After that we headed for the van. We explored a huge home decorating store which has branch stores all over in big Mexican cites (which there are many). We also explored a Chedraui (big grocery store similar to Walmart). Both kept us entertained for longer than we really wanted to be shopping.
Saturday, February 1, 2014
This is another lazy day to be spent here at Los Arroyos Verde. It is nice to be able to do nothing (well stuff we want to do) instead of always having to do "something". Being a constant tourist can be exhausting and almost annoying if you do not pace yourself.
I painted again. I feel I am not getting enough done at each sit down session. Today I felt I accomplished a bit more than usual. Maybe I expect too much of myself. Ken did radio work - he seems excited about what he is doing.
We had been getting housekeeping everyday, as far as we can tell. The one lady seems so pleasant and appears to go out of her way to assist us. Today she was watching me paint. I think I managed to explain about sewing the piece when I am finished painting. Today was laundry day. I had put it off too long. It was expensive to do; our own laundry - 110 pesos. Next time our laundry will be taken to someone to do. Maybe at our next destination.
Sunday, February 2, 2014
We drove right passed La Cruz to Punta De Mita. It was great highway. We came to a spot where people were parked along the highway and coming up onto the highway from surfing.The first guy up from the beach owned the burgundy Toyota Previa, almost a clone to our van. We were going to leave him a note about Previa van seats, we require some. He was from Ontario and it was his sixth Previa van. As Ken and the Ontario guy were discussing seats for the van and also discussing wrecking yards the next surfer came up the from the beach. He shouted over that he owned Hermanos used parts place that we checked out Friday. No Previas there.
Somewhat of a weird coincidence.
Off we went to Punta De Mita. Lots of resorts along the way and at Punta. We also found by the beach great little restaurants and hotels. The area was all clean and well maintained. I liked the chickens and the dogs roaming free.
We took a different way back via Sayulita, stopping at La Cruz market to get today's lunch - Greek food and a litre of agua fresca. We found fresh pasta (spaghetti) and olive pesto which we will have for supper. The arts and crafts scene at this market is phenomenal, along with the artisan foods. People from all over bring themselves and their dogs to make this a very eclectic market.
Pool party at Los Arroyos Verde. The tunes played during the live band's intermission were great!
While we were gone for the day our housekeeper washed and bleached our pillows. She was very sweet for doing that extra service.
Monday, February 3, 2014
We are both again making yoga a real routine part of our morning.
Once off and running we drove passed Sayulita to the town on the highway passed it. The highway to Sayulita is becoming familiar.
Our first stop was San Poncho which appears to be labeled San Francisco on Google Maps. It was clean and had lots of little shops and restaurants. Ken really like it. It almost appears to be the not yet discovered, quintessential, sleepy, little fishing village. Unfortunately it is on the radar of many travelers.
On we went along highway MX 200 passed Lo De Marcos and did not stop until La Penita De Jaltemba turning at the main street, "Emiliano Zapato". This is the corner where the highway buses pick up for those going to PV. Walking straight down this street gets you to the ocean. I took Ken to a restaurant Sharon V. had taken me to back in March of 2012. It is quite authentically Mexican as the whole bustling little city appears to be. It did not appear to cater to Gringos.
After that we drove the short distance to Rincon De Guayabitos. We drove through a cobblestoned, residential area with lovely, well maintained homes. Then we found the main commercial area with the market just ending. It is in a shaded, park-like setting. We walked into Hotel y Bungalows Guayabitos - great place to stay for next time. On my way back to the van I fell, not watching where I was going. Luckily I seemed to have only suffered a bruised right knee. Our drive into the next town on our agenda was Los Ayala. It was a quick trip and a quick scan of the town. After my fall I was not feeling myself and wanted to get back to Los Arroyos Verdes quickly.
Once back to our home base we rested. In the evening on our usual walk around the grounds a black and white kitten adopted me. He followed us until I picked him up (did not take long). I carried him around the grounds until the cat that we thought was his Mom came along. Then I let me down and they ran off to play together.
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
This is it, we are really staying put here at Los Arroyos Verdes ("LAV") today. I want to seriously get some painting completed and Ken has computer work and play planned.
I decided that the underside of each spiky thing on the coconut picture needed a darker colour underneath of it. The spikes look so much better. I am really working toward less realistic paint colours. Why use the same colours as in nature? Not that I think I can improve on nature. Everyone, however, has seen the real coconut colours, why not live a little and try something different.
For a break we went outside the fence and walked around the block. We saw timid, dairy cows outside the entrance gate. Further along we saw a farm yard with horses cows, calves, hens, etc. We did not get any closer to the cream coloured cow that ballers a mighty "moo" occasionally. The sheep were gone, off to be fed somewhere else with more plentiful grassland.
I visited many of the little casitas right here at LAV. The resort of featuring an open house day. I took pictures, many features in these places that I liked.
The little black and white kitten found us again on our evening walk. Again I carried it until its buddy was meowing along side of us then I let him down.
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
It was a slow, lazy day at the beginning - yoga, a healthy breakfast then off to San Pancho, sometimes known as San Francisco. Why this town appears to have the two names, well we have not figured this out. Coming from PV it is about the next town after Sayulita. If you took a highway bus it is a relatively short walk into the town.
This town has lots going for it. It has a wonderful, sandy beach that likely has an amazing sunset in the evening. West coast Mexico weather - hot and sunny. It has, however, something way beyond these location pluses. The people make up the rest of what I will describe - besides being friendly they are amazing. The town has a community center called Entre Amigos. It serves vegetarian meals in its cafe. Entre Amigos also has a very neat and clean recycling centre. Some of the materials are reused and made into art objects or more practical objects. They have an art centre for children as well as a thrift store. I bought a funky, hippie skirt and a fused glass beaded bracket. Seems pretty advanced thinking to me,
The town also has, for the population, many vegetarian or veggie friendly restaurants. The town has a produce truck where you would get your veggies. It is a tidy, well cared for town. Even the back streets appear cared for. It has a lot to offer, even yoga teacher training. We read that a rather recent President of Mexico had a second home in San Pancho and this is how the town got its manicured appearance.
While we were gone Andres the workman came and replaced our dripping tap. That will be much quieter in the night, plus much better for the environment.
Once back at LAV Ken had a radio meeting via Skype. We hear it is cold at home with snow. I painted more on the right side of the coconut piece. I used a rusty, pink colour.
Thursday, February 6, 2014
I again finished some intricate parts on the painting, I had to just free hand some of it because there were to many little pieces-parts to deal with. I do like the effect created. I mixed the paint for the leaves - chartreuse with a tint of black to make it an olive colour.
We have been walking the road inside and around the grounds. So many plants and trees to see along with statues, huge vases, wind chimes, etc. It is a very visually interesting place. Through the fence the cream coloured cow and her buddies the sheep are a great visual diversion. One of the black dogs or a cat might join us on our walks. The German Shepherd is standoffish but not unfriendly.
Once we were actually out the door for supper - made two attempts to do so - we forgot our money and had to return to home base. We ate at a posh Greek restaurant and did not really like it. We made a discovery about restaurants. In a town where the clientele are consistent, a restaurant must be good. If you are in a town with changing clientele, the people who eat there, whether the food is good or bad return home. I think you guessed my opinion of the restaurant. We hurried through the Art Walk. Not a fun way to see art.
Charlene and Mike, my Sister and Brother-in-law, arrive here tomorrow. I hope they like Los Arroyos Verde and I hope they like their casa. I want them to have a good time here. They certainly deserve it, they work so hard.