Sunday July 25
I felt much better today, mostly, about 90%. We went back for rice and beans to the same restaurant as yesterday, it was even better (Guicho Maricos in Lake Chapala). We than decided to walk to Ajijic a neighbouring town to Chapala. We had to find sidewalks, motorcycle/bike trails, old stone wagon trails (we think) or just walk beside the highway. We found a park beside the lake and saw unusual birds, people fishing and picnicking.
We walked from shade tree to shade tree to keep out of the direct sun. Even though we left after 2:00 pm we had to wear hats and suntan lotion as the sun was still powerful.
I was becoming weary when we spotted an open house sign. Well of course we went to investigate.
The house was well appointed with Mexican art and furniture. The mirador (look out) on the roof was a particularly attractive feature.
The back yard was small with a fountain. Very impressive! My comment on the mirador with lake and mountain views was - "what are we doing in Canada", Ken's comment was "I'm not leaving, you won't get me off this chair". The house was about $260 thousand American dollars. Oh, and the art and furniture were included - I wanted to buy right then and there. Ah, but we just walked on.... Lake Chapala has mosquitoes.
We went to an open Century 21 office and met Paola. She told us about La Floresta. Ken and I walked through the area.
It was reminiscent of Oak Bay in Victoria, BC. - gorgeous.
We were hot, tired and wanting to get back to Lake Chapala, which was a mass of weekend people when we returned. The restaurants closed early because people appeared to be returning to Guadalajara from their Sunday away.
We actually walked eleven point eighteen miles, a personal best for the two of us.
Saturday July 24
I woke up not feeling well, must have been that greasy taco! We checked it out, the deep fried taco is called a Taco Dorado. I could not really recall the "sick" feeling, but once it happened I remembered it all too well - ugh!
We did not want to stay in the hotel we were in.
It's redeeming quality was a mother bird and father bird tending their two babies near the roof of our room.
We went and checked out another hotel about a block away.
One of the owners, Lorrie, opened the gate to let us in. It opened onto a garden courtyard...
with fountains, turtles and a pool.
She showed three well appointed old, folk Mexican style rooms. We chose the Royal Palm.
The building was designed by Mexico's equivalent to Frank Lloyd Wright. D.H. Lawrence wrote The Red Plummed Serpent in the downstairs room off the garden.
The DH Lawrence room was almost done and Rob let us take a few pics.
DH Lawrence room at QQ B&B |
Both and Lorrie and Rob, our hosts, were friendly and tried to make us feel at home - oh and Ozzie the little dog.
Once we settled in we walked and walked through neighborhoods and the main part of the town.
We walked on the built up area by the lake.
Even though both of us were not feeling 100% we could still get our steps in .
For supper we chose only tuna - which is a cactus fruit and cucumber. We drank lots of water.
I enjoyed painting. I just felt quite special be be able to create art where D.H. Lawrence had created a novel.
Friday July 23
We got up and decided we wanted to eat breakfast in town, Ville Corona...
but first a swim in the hot pool was in order. Wonderfully warm, clean water. All the pools in the park are refilled with the hot springs water daily. We met family of travellers from Quebec with better English then our French. They were saying their RV ( or en francais VR) was over heating during the day so they had to drive at night where the hills were steep. The man had worked for a resort chain and spoke English, French and Spanish, a most advanced combination for travelling. Once Ken parked in the shade we were off to Villa Corona for breakfast.
It seemed like a shorter distance than last nights adventure. We went back to the restaurant on the highway - mistake. Deep fried fish tacos can't be good for you.
The place we stayed did have jungle like grounds with banana/plantain trees and a bird sanctary. I saw cows tromping around in a marsh.
Jocotepec was our next destination.
First burro of the day |
We checked out Centro. It had unusual stonework on the church.
Tall trees were planted in what appeared to be huge pots. There were men selling exotic fruit out of wheel barrels - mamey, dragon fruit and lychees.
Ajijic - when we arrived there, at the very west end of Lake Chapela, it was pouring rain. Lots of beartiful houses on the lake. We tried to camp - cound not find the camp ground. All was not lost, we saw horses. It poured so badly, Ken pulled over safely and slept, I painted. Once it let up we moved on to the town of Lake Chapala.
At night we walked by the lake and out on the pier; we saw a large snake swimming in the lake. Inside the gazabo at the end of the pier were paintings, very artsy.
Thursday July 22
Tequila for lunch and Corona for supper!
That is the Town of Tequila and Villa Corona. When we drove out of Tepic, finally getting to the toll road, we realized how big it was.
Toll road stop |
The countryside appeared to have dark rich soil and be very furtile. Agave grew in many fields and was even planted in the ditches.
From Tequila, Corona, Lake Chapala |
We ate lunch in Tequila.
Tequila house construction |
The town is very enterprising and really plays up its namesake - tequila bottle tour buses, leather and huge tequila bottles, etc.
You can buy tequila almost everywere.
Well guarded grocery store |
We bought grapes and cucumbers to eat for lunch at the the market.
Tequila market |
One ineresting stall had boxes of fabric dye. I bought a seam ripper and needle threaders. We drove the "free" highway into Guadalahara. It was windy and scenic. Lots of stands setting goods - often related to fruit or tequila. Trucks of agave.
Before supper we landed at Villa Corona and Chimulca Water Park - too late to swim.
We decided we'd "curtain up" the van and get everything ready to go to bed then walk somewere for supper. That somewere was centro historica of the Villa Corona. Wonderful little place. It had really cooled down, people where riding bikes and milling about the town square. No restaurants were open. We saw where the police ate so that is the taco stand we ate at. Very friendly group, the vendors and the police.
After supper a walk around the town square was in order.
Walking back in the dark with flashlights - scary, no lights in bathroom, even scarier. lt poured rain for an hour after we went to bed.